|| 英語(English)
学習支援計画書(シラバス) 検索システム
授業科目区分 科目名 単位数 科目コード 開講時期 履修方法
外国語特別科目(Study Abroad Preparation 1)(夏期集中講義)
Special Subject - Foreign Languages(Study Abroad Preparation 1)
2 G546-01 2024年度
キーワード 学習・教育目標
1.Speaking 2.Listening 3.Reading 4.Writing 5.Test Skills This course is designed to help prepare students to study abroad. Classes will foc us primarily on equipping students with the knowledge and skills needed to pass th e TOEFL and IELTS tests to gain acceptance into an overseas university. In additio n, some elements of foreign life and culture will be taught.
This course aims to improve English knowledge and introduce study techniques that are necessary for the TOEFL an d IELTS tests. Both receptive and productive skills will be covered and will include a focus on the following: a) Vocabulary b) General expressions, idioms, and paraphrasing c) Skimming & scanning techniques d) Cohesion & Coherence techniques e) Functional grammar This course will be conducted in a role-playing style that will require students to behave as if they were study ing abroad. Each class will consist of practical use of test-taking techniques, functional grammar, and examples using forei gn cultures and role-play. Before each class, students must study the materials provided by the teacher.
教科書:指定なし 参考書:指定なし リザーブドブック:指定なし
Basic English grammar and vocabulary.
No. 学科教育目標
C Students will be able to use coherence and cohesion devices in speaking and writing.
A Students will be able to use skimming and scanning when taking tests.
C Students will be able to identify and appropriately use various grammar forms.
C Students will be able to learn synonyms, antonyms, and relevant vocabulary, and how to use them on tests.
C Students will be able to use paraphrasing in writing and speaking.
C Students will be able to use common expressions naturally and appropriately.
試験 クイズ
レポート 成果発表
作品 ポートフォリオ その他 合計
総合評価割合 4 60 12 12 0 0 12 100
指標と評価割合 総合評価割合 4 60 12 12 0 0 12 100
総合力指標 知識を取り込む力 4 60 3 0 0 0 6 73
思考・推論・創造する力 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
発表・表現・伝達する力 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 12
学習に取組む姿勢・意欲 0 0 3 6 0 0 6 15
評価方法 行動目標 評価の実施方法と注意点
試験 Students will take a mock test for IELTS in Class 1 to check their overall level, and in Class 14 to check their progression and identify areas that need to be focused on in order to furth er improve their scores.
Quizzes are conducted every class from Week 2 to Week 13 to check whether the students underst and the content and how to apply it.
レポート Students are required to study and practice relevant vocabulary and expressions as homework be fore every class. For assessment, they will answer questions, write paragraph(s), and record a short speech.
In each class (from Class 2 to Class 15), students are required to present words related to th e topics studied as homework and appropriately use the high-frequency synonyms of the words co vered.
その他 Students are required to complete the homework to practice the skills they learned in class.
理想的な達成レベルの目安 標準的な達成レベルの目安
- Understand the meaning of vocabulary and expressions, and use or apply them appropriately. - Use skimming and scanning techniques to improve test s cores. - Use cohesion and coherence devices appropriately to i mprove test scores. - Understand flexible uses of various grammar forms and be able to use and identify them appropriately. - Understand how to paraphrase and apply this knowledge appropriately to improve test scores. - Understand the meaning of vocabulary and expressions, and use or apply them mostly appropriately. - Use skimming and scanning techniques to improve test scores with minimal errors. - Use cohesion and coherence devices appropriately to improve test scores. - Understand flexible uses of various grammar forms and be able to use and identify them appropriately with mini mal errors. - Understand how to paraphrase and show some ability to apply this knowledge appropriately.
回数 学習内容 授業の運営方法 学習課題 予習・復習 時間:分※
1 Course Introduction Mock IELTS test Lecture, active learning & self-reflection Study and prepare Topic 1
2 Topic 1: Skimming & Scanning techniques Oral demonstration, lectur e, active learning & self- reflection Study and prepare Topic 2
3 Topic 2: Skimming & Scanning techniques Oral demonstration, lectur e, active learning & self- reflection Study and prepare Topic 3
4 Topic 3: Listening Skills Oral demonstration, lectur e, active learning & self- reflection Study and prepare Topic 4
5 Topic 4: Listening Skills Oral demonstration, lectur e, active learning & self- reflection Study and prepare Topic 5
6 Topic 5: Coherence devices Oral demonstration, lectur e, active learning & self- reflection Study and prepare Topic 6
7 Topic 6: Cohesion devices Oral demonstration, lectur e, active learning & self- reflection Study and prepare Topic 7
8 Topic 7: Logical order Oral demonstration, lectur e, active learning & self- reflection Study and prepare Topic 8
9 Topic 8: Functional Grammar Oral demonstration, lectur e, active learning & self- reflection Study and prepare Topic 9
10 Topic 9: Functional Grammar Oral demonstration, lectur e, active learning & self- reflection Study and prepare Topic 10
11 Topic 10: Functional Grammar Oral demonstration, lectur e, active learning & self- reflection Study and prepare Topic 11
12 Topic 11: Vocabulary and Expressions Oral demonstration, lectur e, active learning & self- reflection Study and prepare Topic 12
13 Topic 12: Expression and paraphrasing Oral demonstration, lectur e, active learning & self- reflection Review
14 Mock IELTS test Lecture, active learning & self-reflection
15 Test score reflections Self-evaluation Oral demonstration, lectur e, active learning & self- reflection