授業科目区分 |
科目名 |
単位数 |
科目コード |
開講時期 |
履修方法 |
英語教育課程 英語科目 英語 |
Japanese Seminar
Japanese Seminar
4 |
G608-01 |
修学規程第4条を参照 |
授業科目の学習・教育目標 |
キーワード |
学習・教育目標 |
1.Japanese culture
2.Cooperating with community
3.Collaboration Competence
This course aims to develop the skills to identify and solve problems in local com
munities. Students will conduct research on the chosen topic/issue and express the
ir ideas through group work and discussions. The course will also introduce the ba
sics of Japanese culture. Students will learn about Japan through exploring variou
s topics. |
授業の概要および学習上の助言 |
This course consists of the following two parts:
(1) Japan Community Project
This is a collaborative Project Based Learning (PBL) course that aims to develop the skills to address problems
in the local community and to offer solutions. Students will work in groups with KIT students and conduct resear
ch on chosen topics, focusing on the local community and offering solutions to address the problems.
(2) Essentially Japan
This course consists of 1) acquiring knowledge through pre-class readings and in-class lectures and 2) research
further about content learned in the readings and lectures. First, students will learn about specific topics re
lated to Ishikawa or Japan, such as Japanese society, working in a Japanese company, and religion in Japan. Then
, students will use the class hours set aside for independent study to research further about what they have lea
rned. Research activities include reading newspaper articles, taking surveys of Japanese students, and summarizi
ng and reporting findings.
This course has a Moodle course site. All important information about course related matters will be posted on t
his site. It is students' responsibility to check the site regularly. |
教科書および参考書・リザーブドブック |
リザーブドブック:指定なし |
学生が達成すべき行動目標 |
No. |
学科教育目標 (記号表記) |
① |
BC |
Conduct collaborative projects. |
② |
A |
Understand their role in a group and work collaboratively. |
③ |
BC |
Experience Japanese culture and participate in discussions about experiences in Japanese culture. |
④ |
CH |
Present the results with the group members. |
⑤ |
⑥ |
達成度評価 |
評価方法 |
総合評価割合 |
0 |
0 |
50 |
30 |
0 |
0 |
20 |
100 |
指標と評価割合 |
総合評価割合 |
0 |
0 |
50 |
30 |
0 |
0 |
20 |
100 |
総合力指標 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
30 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
20 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
30 |
評価の要点 |
評価方法 |
行動目標 |
評価の実施方法と注意点 |
試験 |
① |
② |
③ |
④ |
⑤ |
⑥ |
クイズ 小テスト |
① |
② |
③ |
④ |
⑤ |
⑥ |
レポート |
① |
レ |
These are weekly tasks (in-class and homework) which include activities like reading materials
to prepare for upcoming lectures and completing post-lecture tasks such as taking surveys of
Japanese students or conducting additional research. |
② |
レ |
③ |
レ |
④ |
レ |
⑤ |
⑥ |
成果発表 (口頭・実技) |
① |
レ |
There are two Final Presentations; one for Japan Community Project (15%) and one for Essential
Japan (15%). The format and other details will be announced later in class. Students are expe
cted to have the final presentation on the day it is scheduled. The presentations will be reco
rded and be open for KIT teachers and students to attend. |
② |
レ |
③ |
レ |
④ |
レ |
⑤ |
⑥ |
作品 |
① |
② |
③ |
④ |
⑤ |
⑥ |
ポートフォリオ |
① |
② |
③ |
④ |
⑤ |
⑥ |
その他 |
① |
レ |
Students will submit weekly reports describing your progress with the Japan Community Project. |
② |
レ |
③ |
レ |
④ |
レ |
⑤ |
⑥ |
具体的な達成の目安 |
理想的な達成レベルの目安 |
標準的な達成レベルの目安 |
- Actively participate in conducting the collaborative
- Understand their role in a group and take an active
role in working collaboratively.
- Experience Japanese culture and express what they
learned through their experiences.
- Effectively present the results with group members. |
- Conduct the collaborative project.
- Understand their role in the group and work
- Experience Japanese culture and participate in
discussions about their experiences.
- Present the results with group members. |
授業明細 |
回数 |
学習内容 |
授業の運営方法 |
学習課題 予習・復習 |
時間:分※ |
The final schedule will be determined based on t
he number of students in each class and availabi
lity of guest lecturers. As such, the final sche
dule will be given to students at the beginning
of the program. |