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授業科目区分 科目名 単位数 科目コード 開講時期 履修方法
Design Project I
2 G251-02 2024年度
キーワード 学習・教育目標
1.Finding problems 2.Gathering information 3.Creating ideas 4.Reporting / Communicating 5.Data science You will experience the activities of solving familiar problems of the actual world. You will develop fundamental skills, such as information gathering of market trend and customer's demand, idea creation, and shaping of the idea. You will also improve your communication skills in English.
By experiencing the process of solving familiar problems of the actual world, you will understand the key feature of the problem that people are concerned about, which enables you to realize the necessity for learning of various fields. Through the project-based learning, you will have the opportunity to learn about the engineering design process, which includes ‐discovering the problems of the community and daily life problems in a team                  ‐combining the collected information ‐creating multiple proposals (or ideas) which will lead to the possible solutions to the problem ‐proposing the technique to put the best solution into shape You are required to do a lot of homework assignments, such as information collection of market trend and customer's demand, idea creation, shaping of the idea and preparation for presentation. You will be graded by your reports,presentations and portfolios; ratio of 50% each from team and indivisual is taken to give a total grade.
教科書:指定なし 参考書:指定なし リザーブドブック:指定なし
1. Review what you have learned in Design Project Introduction Course: team activity, drawing, and thinking habits. 2. Ability to gather and analyze the information. 3. English proficiency (reading, speaking, writing): English Topics V preferable.
No. 学科教育目標
G To be able to discover problems in a team.
G To be able to combine the collected information.
G To be able to create multiple proposals (idea) which lead to the problem solution.
G To be able to deliver an oral presentation in English.
G To be able to work as a team, to use figures to express ideas in English.
A To be able to evaluate own abilities objectively.
試験 クイズ
レポート 成果発表
作品 ポートフォリオ その他 合計
総合評価割合 0 5 30 15 0 15 35 100
指標と評価割合 総合評価割合 0 5 30 15 0 15 35 100
総合力指標 知識を取り込む力 0 5 5 0 0 5 5 20
思考・推論・創造する力 0 0 10 5 0 0 5 20
0 0 10 0 0 0 10 20
発表・表現・伝達する力 0 0 5 10 0 0 5 20
学習に取組む姿勢・意欲 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 20
評価方法 行動目標 評価の実施方法と注意点
レポート Assignment sheets Team assignments Individual assignments Report
In-class oral presentation / presentation slides Open-class oral and/or poster presentation / presentation slides and/or poster The object regarding the improvement of Brand-image of KIT
ポートフォリオ Activity schedule/record
その他 Assignment sheet Approach to project A demerit mark is given to lateness, unexcused absence, and negative activities (non-participation in team activities, etc.) from an individual point total.
理想的な達成レベルの目安 標準的な達成レベルの目安
You can find out problems from the customer's demand or daily life problems from various viewpoints. From each field, you can collect the information required to solve the problems and analyze them. You can create multiple ideas which can solve problems from various viewpoints. You can summarize activity results in assignments sheets and can make annoucement of the results orally. And you can respond to questions and answer in an appropriate manner. You can find out the problems from the customer's demand or familiar problems. From each field,you can collect the information re quired to solve the problem and analyze them. You can create multiple ideas which can solve problems. You can summarize activity results in assignment sheets. You can make a simple annoucement of the results orally.
回数 学習内容 授業の運営方法 学習課題 予習・復習 時間:分※
1 Project activities. Reflection. Activities, Instructions, Reports Team activities and individual assignments. 200
2 Project activities. Reflection. Activities, Instructions, Reports Team activities and individual assignments. 200
3 Project activities. Reflection. Activities, Instructions, Reports Team activities and individual assignments. 200
4 Project activities. Reflection. Activities, Instructions, Reports Team activities and individual assignments. 200
5 Project activities. Reflection. Activities, Instructions, Reports Team activities and individual assignments. 200
6 Project activities. Reflection. Activities, Instructions, Reports Team activities and individual assignments. 200
7 Project activities. Reflection. Activities, Instructions, Reports Team activities and individual assignments. 200
8 Project activities, mid-term report (as needed). Activities, Instructions, Reports Team activities and individual assignments. 200
9 Project activities. Reflection. Activities, Instructions, Reports Team activities and individual assignments. 200
10 Project activities. Reflection. Activities, Instructions, Reports Team activities and individual assignments. 200
11 Project activities. Reflection. Activities, Instructions, Reports Team activities and individual assignments. 200
12 Project activities. Reflection. Activities, Instructions, Reports Team activities and individual assignments. 200
13 Project activities. Reflection. Activities, Instructions, Reports Team activities and a report. 200
14 Project activities, final report (as needed). Activities, Instructions, Reports Team activities and individual assignments. 200
15 Project activities. Reflection. Activities, Instructions, Reports Team activities and individual assignments. 100