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学習支援計画書(シラバス) 検索システム
授業科目区分 科目名 単位数 科目コード 開講時期 履修方法
Japanese Basics 1
Japanese Basics 1
2 G613-01 2024年度
キーワード 学習・教育目標
1.Speaking 2.Listening 3.Reading 4.Writing This course is a continuation of Japanese Communication 1 and aims to help student s develop the four basic skills of communication in modern Japanese. Students will learn the Japanese writing system, fundamental grammatical structures of Japanese , and practice simple conversational skills such as make a request or suggestion a nd talk about family members. Students will also be familiar with various aspects of Japanese culture including sociolinguistic facts about accurate communication.
The class will be conducted using the following topics: Lesson 6 A day in Robert’s Life Lesson 7 Family Picture Lesson 8 Barbecue Lesson 9 Kabuki Lesson 10 Winter Vacation Plans This class has a Moodle course management site (https://e-learn01.mars.kanazawa-it.ac.jp/). All information abou t course related materials, such as assignments, will be posted on this site. It is your responsibility to check the site regularly to keep track of what is going on in the course.
教科書:Genki 1 Workbook[ジャパンタイムズ出版]、Genki 1: An Integraded Course in Elementary Japanese, Third Edit     ion[ジャパンタイムズ出版] 参考書:指定なし リザーブドブック:指定なし
Japanese Communication 1 with a grade of C or higher. Transfer students or students seeking to take this course after a break of one semester or more from their study of Japanese must take a placement test. Talk to the head instructor immediately if you need to take the placement test.
No. 学科教育目標
C Read and write the Japanese writing system (hiragana, katakana, and kanji) .
C For each topic, understand the meaning of important words and phrases and be able to use them correctly.
C Understand fundamental grammatical structures.
C Have simple conversational skills such as introductions, describing
A Develop effective study skills.
試験 クイズ
レポート 成果発表
作品 ポートフォリオ その他 合計
総合評価割合 30 30 30 0 0 0 10 100
指標と評価割合 総合評価割合 30 30 30 0 0 0 10 100
総合力指標 知識を取り込む力 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 30
思考・推論・創造する力 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 30
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
発表・表現・伝達する力 10 0 0 0 0 0 5 15
学習に取組む姿勢・意欲 0 10 10 0 0 0 5 25
評価方法 行動目標 評価の実施方法と注意点
試験 Unit Exams - Unit Exams will cover all material addressed in each unit. The format and other details will be announced later in class.   - There will also be a speaking portion included in the exams.
Kana quizzes, vocabulary quizzes and kanji quizzes are given periodically. They will usually t ake place at the beginning of the class. See the course schedule for the details.
レポート All assignments must be submitted at the beginning of class on the scheduled due date.
その他 Students are required to complete a project of their own choosing. They must make three report s to the instructor. The first report will be the project proposal and you must have the instr uctor’s permission to start. The mid-term report must be submitted. The final report (complet ed project) must be submitted at the end of the course. Students will also be required to give a presentation of their completed project.
理想的な達成レベルの目安 標準的な達成レベルの目安
- Accurately read and write the Japanese writing system (hiragana, katakana, and kanji). - For each topic, understand the meaning of important w ords and phrases and be able to use them appropriately i n context. - Understand fundamental grammatical structur es and appl y that knowledge appropriately in context. - Appropriately exhibit conversational skills for speech acts such as introductions and describing things. - Develop effective study skills. - Read and write the Japanese writing system (hiragana, katakana, and kanji). - For each topic, understand the meaning of important wo rds and phrases. - Understand fundamental grammatical structures. - Understand conversational skills necessary for speech acts such as introductions and describing things. - Understand effective study skills.
回数 学習内容 授業の運営方法 学習課題 予習・復習 時間:分※
1 Course Orientation - Review Lecture
2 Lesson 6 - Grammar 1-2 (pp.150-151) Kanji (p.318) Active learning & Self ref lection Review - Grammar 1-2 (pp.150-151) Preview - Grammar 3-5 (pp.151-152) Study for Quiz1 (Verbs) WB 1 (pp.61,62)
3 Quiz 1: Vocabulary (Verbs, pp.148‐149) Lesson 6 - Dialogue (pp.146‐147) - Grammar 3‐5 (pp.151‐152) - Kanji (p.318) Active learning & Self ref lection Review - Grammar 3‐5 (pp.151‐152) Preview - Grammar 6‐7 (p.153) - Study for Quiz 2 (Nouns adje ctives, others) Language Project Proposal WB 2 (pp.63, 64, 65)
4 Language Project Proposal Quiz 2: Vocabulary (Nouns adjectives, others, p. 148‐149) Lesson 6 - Grammar 6‐7 (p.153) - Reading (pp.321‐323) - Kanji (p.319) Active learning & Self ref lection Review - 6‐7 (p.153) Preview - Dialogue (pp.166‐167) - Grammar 1‐3 (pp.170‐173) Study for Quiz 3 (Adjectives & Verbs, pp.168‐169) WB 3 (pp.66)
5 Quiz 3: Vocabulary (Adjectives & Verbs, pp.168‐ 169) Lesson 7 - Dialogue (pp.166‐167) - Grammar 1‐3 (pp.170‐173) - Kanji (p.324) Active learning & Self ref lection Review - Grammar 5‐7 (p.62‐64) Preview - Grammar 4‐6 (pp.173‐175) Study for Quiz 4 (Nouns & othe rs, pp.168‐169) WB4 (pp.70,71,72)
6 Quiz 4: Vocabulary (Nouns & others, pp.168‐169) Lesson 7 - Grammar 4‐6 (pp.173‐175) - Kanji (p.325) - Reading (pp.327‐328) Active learning & Self ref lection Review - Grammar 4‐6 (pp.173‐175) Study for Test 1 Language Project Mid‐report
7 Test 1 Speaking Test 1 Language Project Mid‐report Active learning & Self ref lection Preview - Grammar 1‐4 (pp.190‐193) Study for Quiz 5 (Adjectives & Verbs, pp.188‐189)
8 Quiz 5: Vocabulary (Adjectives & Verbs, pp.188‐ 189) Lesson 8 - Dialogue (pp.186‐187) - Grammar 1‐4 (pp.190‐193) - Kanji (p.329) Active learning & Self ref lection Review - Grammar 1‐4 (pp.190‐193) Preview - Grammar 5‐8 (pp.194‐196) Study for Quiz 6 (Nouns & othe rs, pp.188‐189) WB6 (pp.79,80,81)
9 Quiz 6: Vocabulary (Nouns & others, pp.188‐189) Lesson 8 - Grammar 5‐8 (pp.194‐196) - Kanji (p.330) - Reading (pp.332‐333) Active learning & Self ref lection Review - Grammar 5‐8 (pp.194‐196) Preview - Grammar 1‐4 (pp.214‐216) Study for Quiz 7 (Adjectives & Verbs, pp.212‐213) WB7 (pp.82,83,84)
10 Quiz 7: Vocabulary (Adjectives & Verbs, pp.212‐ 213) Lesson 9 - Dialogue (pp.210‐211) - Grammar 1‐4 (pp.214‐216) - Kanji (p.334) Active learning & Self ref lection Review - Grammar 1‐4 (pp.214‐216) Preview - Lesson 5 (pp.128‐134) Study for Quiz 8 (Nouns & othe rs, pp.212‐213) WB8 (pp.88,89.90)
11 Quiz 8: Vocabulary (Nouns & others, pp.212‐213) Lesson 9 - Grammar 5‐7 (pp.216‐218) - Kanji (p.335) - Reading (pp.336‐338) Active learning & Self ref lection Review - Grammar 5‐7 (pp.216‐218) Preview - Grammar 5‐7 (pp.216‐218) Study for Quiz 9 (Nouns p.232) WB9 (pp.91,92,93)
12 Quiz 9: Vocabulary (Nouns p.232) Lesson 10 - Dialogue (pp.230‐231) - Grammar 1, 2 (pp.234‐235) - Kanji (p.340) Active learning & Self ref lection Review - Grammar 1,2 (pp.234‐235) Preview - Grammar 3‐5 (pp.235‐237) Study for Quiz 10 (p.131) WB10 (pp.96,97)
13 Quiz 10: Vocabulary (p.233) Lesson 10 - Grammar 3‐5 (pp.235‐237) - Kanji (p.340) Active learning & Self ref lection Review - Grammar 3‐5 (pp.235‐237) Preview - Grammar 6‐7 (p.237‐238) WB11 (pp.98,99,100)
14 Lesson 10 - Grammar 6‐7 (p.237‐238) - Kanji (p.340) Reading (pp.343‐345) Active learning & Self ref lection Review Study for Test 2 and Speaking Test Prepare for Presentation WB12 (pp100.101)
15 Test 2: Lesson 3 4, and 5 Speaking Test 2 Presentation: Language Project Active learning & Self ref lection
15 Self‐evaluation Self‐reflection