|| 英語(English)
学習支援計画書(シラバス) 検索システム
対象課程 科目名 単位数 科目コード 開講時期 授業科目区分
Advanced civil engineering
Advanced civil engineering
2 2334-01 2023年度
キーワード 学習・教育目標
1.Civil engineering 2.State of art 3.Monitoring 4.Materials 5.Surveying To learn state of the art technologies in civil engineering. To conceive the solution of problem in civil engineering filed. To brig up the picture of future in civil engineering. To find what to do as a civil engineer.
Students will learn state of the art technologies in civil engineering field. This course covers various fields such as remote sensing, underground space technologies, coastal engineering, geotechnical engineering, material engineering, pavement and construction management. By introducing brand new information from various field, students will bring up the picture of future in civil engineering field. This course will help students to find what to do and how to do as a civil engineer in future. This class is provided in English.
Basic knowledge of civil engineering, science and mathematics is requested. English skill is required in taking this class.
To know state of the art technologies in civil engineering
To conceive the solution of problem in civil engineering field
To have a picture of future in civil engineering
To find what to do as a civil engineer
評価方法 試験 クイズ
レポート 成果発表
作品 ポートフォリオ その他 合計
総合評価割合 0 0 80 0 0 10 10 100
評価方法 行動目標 評価の実施方法と注意点
レポート Create a report summarizing state of the art technologies, problems in society, solution with use of civil engineering technologies and left issues to be done.
ポートフォリオ Activity records will be evaluated.
その他 Class activities will be evaluated.
理想的な達成レベルの目安 標準的な達成レベルの目安
To be able to explain state of the art technologies in civil engineering. To be able to conceive the solution of problem in civil engineering. To have a picture of future in civil engineering basing on state of the art technologies. To find what to do in future as a civil engineer. To know state of the art technologies in civil engineering. To find the problem in civil engineering. To be able to have a picture of civil engineering. To be able to find what civil engineers should do.
回数 学習内容 授業の運営方法 学習課題 予習・復習 時間:分※
1 Guidance/Seismic damage and seismic design Lecture and discussion Review the distributed materials in the class Self reflection 100
2 Corrosion of reinforced concrete Lecture and discussion Review the distributed materials in the class Self reflection 100
3 Repair of reinforced concrete Lecture and discussion Review the distributed materials in the class Self reflection 100
4 Repair and retrofitting of concrete structures Lecture and discussion Review the distributed materials in the class Self reflection 100
5 Underground space using Lecture and discussion Review the distributed materials in the class Self reflection 100
6 Underground space technology Lecture and discussion Review the distributed materials in the class Self reflection 100
7 Geophysical surveying and multiple reflection theory Lecture and discussion Review the distributed materials in the class Self reflection 100
8 Advanced Remote Sensing 1 Lecture and discussion Review the distributed materials in the class Self reflection 100
9 Advanced Remote Sensing 2 Lecture and discussion Review the distributed materials in the class Self reflection 100
10 Coastal erosion and drifting sand Lecture and discussion Review the distributed materials in the class Self reflection 100
11 Monitoring of eelgrass beds inhabiting the coast al area and diversity of living organisms Lecture and discussion Review the distributed materials in the class Self reflection 100
12 Pavement: Type, Structure and Design Lecture and discussion Review the distributed materials in the class Self reflection 100
13 Pavement: Deterioration and Repairment Lecture and discussion Review the distributed materials in the class Self reflection 100
14 Inspection and assessment of concrete structures Lecture and discussion Review the distributed materials in the class Self reflection 100
15 Integrated study Reflection Lecture, discussion and reflection Prepare a report Review the distributed materials in the class Self reflection 200 100