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学習支援計画書(シラバス) 検索システム
対象課程 科目名 単位数 科目コード 開講時期 授業科目区分
Interface Design
3 2469-01 2024年度
キーワード 学習・教育目標
1.Human Interface 2.Design thinking 3.Usability 4.User experience 5.Value proposition IT systems such as mobile applications have proliferated in recent years; many users use them every day. In this course, students will learn how to evaluate the interface of such IT systems. They will learn how to improve the interface of a developed system based on the results of a proper evaluation, and give a presentation describing the entire process of interface design.
In this course, students will: -Prepare an IT system based on user demand. -Learn to evaluate human interface and evaluate an IT system practically. -Improve their proposed system based on evaluation results. -Give a presentation describing the entire design process.
Materials for this class will be provided in class.
In this course, students will develop an IT system such as an application for a mobile device. Students should have a solid knowledge of computer programming. Students should also have a knowledge of statistical analysis in order to conduct and interpret a usability evaluation.
Students will be able to explain the method of evaluation for an IT system.
Students will be able to evaluate the interface of an IT system in practical terms.
Students will be able to improve the interface of an IT system based on evaluation results.
評価方法 試験 クイズ
レポート 成果発表
作品 ポートフォリオ その他 合計
総合評価割合 0 0 60 40 0 0 0 100
評価方法 行動目標 評価の実施方法と注意点
レポート 1st Report: on the prepared IT system 2nd Report: on the evaluation of the prepared IT system 3rd Report: on the improvement of the IT system based on the evaluation results 4th Report: on the evaluation of the improved IT system and the entire design process Each of the four reports will comprise 15% of the student's overall evaluation.
1st presentation: on the prepared IT system 2nd presentation: on the evaluation of the prepared IT system 3rd presentation: on the improvement of the IT system based on the evaluation results 4th presentation: on the evaluation of the improved IT system and the entire design process Each of the four presentations will comprise 10% of the student's overall evaluation.
理想的な達成レベルの目安 標準的な達成レベルの目安
For ideal achievement: The student has a thorough understanding the method for evaluating human interface and can properly evaluate the developed IT system. The student is able to improve his/her system based on all evaluation results and make an effective presentation describing the entire design process. For standard achievement: The student understands the basic method for evaluating human interface and can evaluate the developed application using at least one evaluation method. The student is able to improve his/her application based on some evaluation results and can make a presentation describing the basic design process.
回数 学習内容 授業の運営方法 学習課題 予習・復習 時間:分※
1st we ek Introduction to human interface design What is human interface, and what are UI and UX are explained. Lecture, exercise and self-check Review the outline of interface and prepare for the next class on interface evaluation. Previe w : 100 Review : 100
2nd we ek Introduction to evaluation method of human interface The basic evaluation method of human interface is explained. Lecture, exercise and self-check Review the evaluation method of human interface and prepare presentation for the next week. Previe w : 100 Review : 100
3rd we ek Presentation on the prepared IT system Students make a presentation on the developed IT system. Presentation and discussion Prepare for the next class on interface for IT systems. Previe w : 100 Review : 100
4th we ek Interface of an IT system The characteristics of human interface used for IT systems is explained. Lecture, exercise and self-check Review the interface for IT system and prepare for the next class on practical method for evaluation. Previe w : 100 Review : 100
5th we ek The practical method of human interface How to evaluate the interface of an IT system is explained. Lecture, exercise and self-check Review the practical method of human interface and prepare for the next class on the evaluation of a real IT system. Previe w : 100 Review : 100
6th we ek Evaluation of human interface 1 Students evaluate the human interface of the IT system from a subjective point of view. Lecture, exercise and self-check Evaluate a real IT system using human subjects. Previe w : 100 Review : 100
7th we ek Evaluation of human interface 2 Students evaluate the human interface of the IT system from an objective point of view. Lecture, exercise and self-check Evaluate real IT system using human subjects and prepare for presentation on evaluation. Previe w : 100 Review : 100
8th we ek Presentation on the interface evaluation Students make a presentation on the results of the evaluation. Presentation and discussion Prepare for the next class on improving real IT system. Previe w : 100 Review : 100
9th we ek Improvement of human interface How to improve the interface of an IT system based on the evaluation results is explained. Lecture, exercise and self-check Review the improvement of IT system and prepare for improving real IT system. Previe w : 100 Review : 100
10th w eek Improvement of human interface of the IT system Students improve human interface of the IT system practically. Lecture, exercise and self-check Improve real IT system. Previe w : 100 Review : 100
11th w eek Improvement of human interface of the IT system Students improve human interface of the IT system practically. Lecture, exercise and self-check Improve real IT system and prepare presentation on improvement of IT system. Previe w : 100 Review : 100
12th w eek Presentation on the improved human interface Students make a presentation describing improved interface of the IT system. Presentation and discussion Prepare the second evaluation of improved IT system. Previe w : 100 Review : 100
13th w eek Evaluation of improved human interface Students evaluate the improved human interface of the IT system from a subjective point of view. Lecture, exercise and self-check Evaluate the improved IT system and prepare for final presentation. Previe w : 100 Review : 100
14th w eek Presentation on entire process of designing interface Students make a presentation on entire process of evaluating and improving the IT system. Presentation and discussion Review entire process of evaluation and improvement of IT system. Previe w : 100 Review : 100
15th w eek Summary and self-assessment Students review what they have learnt in this class. Lecture and self-check Conduct self-check on the results of the assessment. Previe w : 100 Review : 100