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学習支援計画書(シラバス) 検索システム
対象課程 科目名 単位数 科目コード 開講時期 授業科目区分
Intelligent Media(Yamamoto Tomohito)
12 2413-03 2024年度
キーワード 学習・教育目標
1.Intelligent system 2.Human Interface 3.Communication 4.Virtual Reality 5.Artificial Intelligence The main objective of the Graduate Program in Information and Computer Engineering is stated as follows: “Students learn about the technology related to information presentation, process ing and transmission. This program aims to develop engineers and researchers with advanced expertise by acquiring cutting-edge knowledge and development skills.”
The main themes of this thesis project are: 1. Human interface and communication 2. Virtual reality 3. Deep learning and artificial intelligence 4. Human computer interaction The objective of this thesis project is for students to acquire the skills needed to develop intelligent information systems by engaging in one of these topics. In addition, students will acquire the communication skills needed to present their research at an academic conference.
Textbook and reference papers will be provided in the laboratory.
Programming skills and basic knowledge of computer science, such as computer graphics, machine learning, and human-computer interaction, are required for this thesis project.
Student can explain the background, objective, problem, concrete target, and benefit of the thesis project.
Students can explain the existent or competitive technology by investigating relevant research papers.
Students can explain several approaches for solving the problems identified in the thesis project.
Student can learn and improve the programing skills needed to independently solve the problem.
Student can summarize thesis results in an academic paper and present it at an appropriate conference.
Students can instruct undergraduate students using the knowledge and skills acquired.
評価方法 試験 クイズ
レポート 成果発表
作品 ポートフォリオ その他 合計
総合評価割合 0 0 40 40 0 0 20 100
評価方法 行動目標 評価の実施方法と注意点
レポート Students will be evaluated on several reports, including mid-term reports or proceedings from an academic conference. In addition to the activities noted in this syllabus, students must submit their final paper and pass the final exam. The final paper submitted must be submitted by the designated by the deadline and will be examined by the chief and second examiners.
Presentations of mid-term results and at academic conferences will also be evaluated. Students must present the results of their thesis project at an academic conference.
その他 Daily activities in the laboratory will be evaluated. Weekly reports should be entered into the web system for master course students and will be evaluated as a daily activity.
理想的な達成レベルの目安 標準的な達成レベルの目安
Student has a curiosity about and an understanding of computer science and other engineering field and will react positively to an opportunity to explore an unfamiliar engineering field. Student has acquired basic and specialized knowledge of computer science and has the ability to discuss his/her research activities from a deep academic point of view. Student has the ability to present his/her research results at an international academic conference. Student has a curiosity about and an understanding of computer science and other engineering fields. Student has acquired basic and specialized knowledge of computer science and is able to discuss his/her research from a deep academic point of view Student has the ability to present his/her research results at an academic conference.
回数 学習内容 授業の運営方法 学習課題 予習・復習 時間:分※
First semest er 1) Setting the theme of thesis project. 2) Conducting research activities for the thesis. 3) Reporting research activities to the supervisor (at least once a week) and discussing results and future work. 4) Attending a seminar for undergraduate students and giving advice on their activities.
Second semes ter 1) Conducting research activities for the thesis. 2) Presenting the results of the thesis at an academic conference. 3) Reporting research activities to the supervisor (at least once a week) and discussing results and future work. 4) Attending a seminar for undergraduate students and giving advice on their activities.
Third semest er 1) Reviewing and resetting the theme of the thesis. 2) Conducting research activities for the thesis. 3) Report research activities to the supervisor (at least once a week) and discussing results and future work. 4) Attending a seminar for undergraduate students and giving advice on their activities.
Forth semest er 1) Conducting research activities for the thesis and submitting the thesis planning paper by the designated deadline. 2) Presenting the results of the thesis at an academic conference or submitting it to an academic journal. 3) Reporting research activities to the supervisor (at least once a week) and discussing results and future work. 4) Attending a seminar for undergraduate students and giving advice on their activities. 5) Submitting the completed thesis by the deadline.